m i n d f u l l i v i n g o n l i n e

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ten top talents for mindful leadership presence

Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple, and it is also that difficult. - Warren G. Bennis 

What defines mindful and resonant leadership? It is about being able to bring out the best in ourselves and others. As parents, teachers, bosses, or leaders in some other capacity it is our duty to do so, and through it we inspire and empower others to achieve common goals.

But do we have the necessary skills? Whilst some people are born with qualities that make them inspirational individuals or natural leaders, others often struggle to apply good leadership, even in their own lives. And is it not that even many business leaders do not know how to lead effectively? All-too-often they are unaware of their own shortcomings. It may be that it is too uncomfortable to face one’s own weaknesses, or perhaps the self-serving ego seems more important than anything else.

Resonant and mindful leadership inspires and engages; it is leading with wisdom and from the heart through self-awareness; it is knowing how to be present in the moment and how to develop and use our capacity to reach out to others authentically and with passionate purpose.

Michael Carroll, in  The Mindful Leader, identified the following ten ‘talents’ as being vital to achieve this. These are simplicity, poise, respect, courage, confidence, enthusiasm, patience, awareness, skillfulness and humility. Learn more about these ten top talents for mindful leadership presence 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Hidden Wiring of the Best Leaders

Real leaders have trained their brains to focus on the possibilities and opportunities available with military-like focus. They block out the noise of the doomsayers and shut out the voices of their critics. They get that their mindset and their personal energy are two of their most valuable resources. So they protect them well.

Here are 5 things you can to do rewire your brain to develop the mindset of the best leaders in business:

1. Sell Your TV
Ok, this might be a dramatic (game changing?) move. But much of TV news operates on the sale of fear. The more negative the news, the more scared people get. And the more scared people are, the more they'll watch the news. But every piece of data you allow into your mind is the seed of an outer result. Put excellent information in and you'll deliver excellent results.

2. Value The Great Ones
Reading heroic books, biographies of people who've done great things and listening to inspirational audiobooks is a brilliant move to create your best life. Leadership is a lonely sport. Critics will try and knock you down. Competitors will try and knock you out. And the unexpected will visit you just about every single day. Your antidote to the stresses that you'll face as you stand for your absolute best? Work hard to stay inspired. In a world that discourages, do whatever it takes to maintain your courage. To build out your dreams.

3. Watch Your Words
The words you use determine the feelings you'll feel. The best performers understand that each word spoken has power. Use positive, encouraging, energetic words. Avoid negativity, gossip, criticism and condemnation. Just watch what happens to your mindset (and heartset).

4. Avoid The Energy Vampires
Smart leaders get that who you surround yourself with drives who you'll become. Play with excellent, ethical, inspired and passionate people and their stardust will rub off all over you. Avoid people who can't wait to dump their resentment/negativity/anger and fear all over you.

5. Own Your Power

It's so easy to play victim versus be a leader (Without a Title). In my upcoming book "The Leader Who Had No Title: A Modern Fable on Real Success in Business and in Life" (public launch: April 6), I write that the key switch to flip that changes the whole game is this one: switch from victimhood into leadership. Too many people give away their power to create positive results. They blame. They make excuses. They do nothing.

But we all have power, even if we have zero authority. Every single person alive today has the power to inspire. The power to innovate. The power to influence. The power to act. The power to serve. And the power to Lead. Use it. Please. (The world demands no less of you!).

The following are 5 tactics to lead without title:

1. Get brilliant at saying no to unimportant activities
2. Be the most positive person in every room
3. Spend 60 minutes every morning in silent preparation and planning
4. Outwork everyone around you
5. Honor your commitments

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Improving Team Morale and Employee Retention

Infusion magazine highlights some key points on how to establish a healthy work environment geared to keep employees happy and in place. Stress reduction is seen as a strong influence on team morale. Infusion article