Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple, and it is also that difficult. - Warren G. Bennis
But do we have the necessary skills? Whilst some people are born with qualities that make them inspirational individuals or natural leaders, others often struggle to apply good leadership, even in their own lives. And is it not that even many business leaders do not know how to lead effectively? All-too-often they are unaware of their own shortcomings. It may be that it is too uncomfortable to face one’s own weaknesses, or perhaps the self-serving ego seems more important than anything else.
Resonant and mindful leadership inspires and engages; it is leading with wisdom and from the heart through self-awareness; it is knowing how to be present in the moment and how to develop and use our capacity to reach out to others authentically and with passionate purpose.
Michael Carroll, in The Mindful Leader, identified the following ten ‘talents’ as being vital to achieve this. These are simplicity, poise, respect, courage, confidence, enthusiasm, patience, awareness, skillfulness and humility. Learn more about these ten top talents for mindful leadership presence